It’s been a LONG Year!!!!

Hi!!! Not really sure how to start this.  It’s been a year…. a very LONG year.  I think the last thing I posted was on the Facebook page and it was about how the firm I work for was going to start lay offs.  Yep…. that was last year and as I understand it it will happen in the next few months.  I’ve been told that I am part of the group that is being let go.  although when I first heard it I was angry and upset and…. honestly…. hurt.  I gave so much and this is where it got me!

I’ve had time to think it through:

I’m still a little upset.  But I have had time to process what this means and I think it’s actually going to be a good thing.  I am getting laid off,  I am losing my job and I am trying to figure out how we can live on one income which is scary but…. I am going to have more time to dedicate to my passion of mentoring paralegals, I am going to have the time to write and I am very much looking forward to creating a new future.  Losing my job can be the best thing that ever happened to me.

It’s 2:00 a.m. and I’ve been up thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life for about an hour now….. I know…… it’s crazy but my brain won’t get quiet so I thought I’d post since it’s been forever.

What I am thinking (long and short term)

  1. Mentor new paralegals;
  2. Create a Paralegal Network;
  3. Speak on Paralegal Utilization;
  4. Create online courses;
  5. Advocate for the profession;
  6. Continue writing this blog;
  7. Re-launch the newsletter;
  8. Guest posts once per month;
  9. Launch a paralegal magazine;

What I need from you

I would really appreciate if you could spread the word about The Paralegal.  If you can, and feel comfortable, speak to your bosses, managers and fellow paralegals let them know that there is this amazing paralegal who would be willing to create a training webinar to help them better utilize paralegals in a way that would increase productivity, morale and their bottom line.  We all know that is possible, now we just need to convince them.

If you could do this for me I will be eternally grateful.

I’m gonna go now and start working on that training webinar and brainstorm articles for the newsletter.  I hope you’re subscribed if not, please just fill out the form and join the party.

This is going to be an adventure.  Look for more posts from me in the near future and the revival of the newsletter in the next month or so.

Thanks for hanging in there.



2 thoughts on “It’s been a LONG Year!!!!

  1. It happened to me also over 2 years ago. I was absolutely sure I’d be fine but I was hurt and unsure where to go from there. I’d had over 20 years experience in a niche field. I lost faith in the process and really doubted I could be a good employee for someone anymore. I’d already started a lil side gig and even took a course before the layoffs because though they weren’t saying things then, I was beginning to see what was coming.
    Hubby told me to just keep gigging and freelancing and we’d be ok. But I thought I’d do it till I felt better about being an employee.
    Well that never happened instead I got so busy I hired an assistant and am looking for another. It’s scary and freeing and amazing all at the same time. I write this to say if you’re considering a webinar I would LOVE to see one helping us out here on our own. I have a Partner with her own firm on the east coast and we’d love a network or Association where we could get discounts, insurance, resources, etc. Give it some thought and good luck whatever you decide.

    1. These are all great motivators. Thank you so much for reaching out and making me feel like I’m not crazy. Can you please email me at I would love to chat with you and maybe your partner and brainstorm.

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